Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will team members get renewal emails for their memberships?
A: No. Renewal reminders and expiration emails are only sent to owners, asking them to renew their team if they’d like all members to retain access. Individual team members will not get their own membership emails as they cannot act on them.
Q: Can team owners add or remove seats from the team? I’d like to be able to sell additional seats if they want to expand the team.
A: Not yet — we do have this on the roadmap, though! Please let us know if you’re looking for this, we’d love to hear more about what you expect in terms of adding or removing seats.
Q: What happens if the team owner stops the subscription?
A: If a team is tied to a subscription-type product, changes in the subscription status are inherited by all members of the team — so if a subscription is paused, all team memberships are paused. If the owner’s subscription is cancelled, all team memberships are cancelled as well.